This is one of the most famous, beautiful and unique art of wooden carving of the Bastar tribals. These wooden crafts are made out of the finest teak wood, sheshum, sagon and shivna wood. The basic motifs found in the Indus Valley civilization were very similar to Bastar motifs such as triangle, swastika, meandering lines, animal, bird, fish, horn and bull head. sun, star, comb plant, intersecting circle. fish, bird etc. The wood craft tradition follows a rich hereditary system. Its history goes back to 150 years back and it is passed on from one generation to another. The typical wood craftsmen of Bastar did not use any polish for finishing and neither did they smoothen it. They use the typical local style of short bodies and square faces, without considering the right proportion and position. The tools used are very basic and are made by the craftsmen themselves. These tools mainly consist of wood and metal pieces, which are very basic and sharp.