‘Banaras Metal repousse’ is the art of moulding showpieces. ‘Repousse’ is raising a design in relief on metal from the back or inside using hammers and punches. The whole technique is sometimes referred to as ‘chasing’, or embossing (Khal – Ubhar Ka Kam). The art has been preserved in the by-lanes of Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh for generations by the Kasera community. The techniques of repousse date from antiquity It is done on all manner of articles, which are first moulded into the required shape and burnished. The engraver traces the design with a chisel, filling up the open ground with dots and spots produced by punching. The metals used are brass, copper and bell metal. All the steps are made by hand only. Traditional motifs of flowers, sikargah, figures and various type of symbols are used on the products.